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Charitable Activities:- Build The Bridge Fellowship

Charitable Activities

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Giving is part of our lives

How the Church Fights Global Poverty (Luke 6:38, Acts 4:32-35)


We give and share the blessings that the Lord God places in our hands. At Build the Bridge Fellowship Ministries, we take care of one another in the love of Christ and seeking to reach out to the forgotten/left-behind people in our community.

We help families that need to be reminded that Jesus Christ loves them and He died that they may live and have life abundantly. This ministry helps to build relationships between the church and the community of believers and unbelievers. We are currently working with godly-fearing groups of volunteers to meet the needs of low incomes families and people who feel alone, abandoned/left-behind children, and youth who took wrong decisions that led them to drugs, alcohol, and sexual immorality.

Charitable activities began in the church two thousand years ago when believers, gripped by the Holy Spirit, shared all they had with others. Believers are required to do the same today and allow the Spirit of God to move through them to reach and touch thousands of people who need help. God wants to see you become a blessing to someone’s life in the communities, societies, nations, and around the world.

It just takes a heart to give

“Give, and it will be given to you: good measure, pressed down, shaken together, and running over will be put into your bosom. For with the same measure that you use, it will be measured back to you.” Luke 6:38

There many disparate places and people that need your help, and even if you can’t reach to them on your own, but with your support to this ministry, your hand will be stretched out and touch people who truly, need your help here in Canada, in Africa, and around the world.

All we do, we do it in Love

‘You shall love the Lord your God with all your heart, with all your soul, and with all your mind.’ This is the first and great commandment. And the second is like it: ‘You shall love your neighbor as yourself.’” Matthew 22:37-39


We hope to build a "house of hope" that will serve the community as a rehabilitation center to help our young men and women to come back on track and live to their highest potentials. We have designed programs to assist families that continue facing problems with their children (the runaways, youth on alcohol and drugs, youth with immorality

Available for You:
  • Outreach events.
  • Youth and Addictions.
  • Retreats (Family Relationship).
  • Discipleship (Youth Renewal Day).
  • Worship Services.
  • Mission and ministry training.
  • Leadership training.
  • Back to Work.

With your help and support, all this is possible for those who believe. Your donation will make a big deferent in someone’s life, and God will bless you. “… for God loves a cheerful giver.” 2 Corinthians 9:7

Other Charitable Activities outside Canada:

We currently operate in other countries in Africa, helping families, the left-behind children, and youth who live in poverty. To learn more, visit the link below:

For your assistance and donations:

If you want to contact Pr. Yves & Betty Kiringa, click the button below: